Evolution Activated Wiki

Alrighty then, so you've all seen that unsorted abilities category. You may be thinking to yourself, "Geez, that thing's been there for like, ever! Why don't the mods just categorize it so I can know what powers go with what?" Well, I hate to break your fragile fantasy, but it takes fantastic leaps of logic for us to figure out how to make super powers work, and then categorize them accordingly. I mean, if people could figure that out so easily, we'd all have super powers by now.

So, this is a warning: that unsorted abilities category is going to be around for a while. If you have any ideas for mutations that could actually make them happen, write them up on my talk page, and I'll make sure you're credited. At this point, I'm less worried about glory-hording than I am about wrapping up this categorization system so that Two leaves me alone about it.

Thanks a ton!
